


DIED in Cambridge, on the 18th of March, Hon. Emory Washburn, aged 77. At the time of his resignation, a few months ago, Governor Washburn was the senior professor in the University, having filled his chair for twenty years. He had previously borne high office, and performed distinguished service, alike in the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the State government, and had been, from his early manhood, a successful and honored member of the legal profession. He was a man of excellent ability, of the most strenuous diligence, of an integrity absolutely impenetrable, and of a benevolence which made his whole life an unceasing ministry of kindness. Those who knew him best knew not that he had a fault, and no man had more fully than he the profound respect and warm affection of all within the circle of his acquaintance and the sphere of his influence. The community can ill spare so conspicuous an example of conscientious fidelity in so many and so various trusts; and with his successive classes of pupils and his numerous friends he leaves a memory which will be a lifelong inspiration and incentive in every worthy endeavor and honorable career.
