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SINCE we last spoke of the affairs of the Senior Class, continued efforts have been made to secure a definite settlement of the disputed points. The committee of graduates, to whom the matter was referred for advice, recommended a compromise which made it necessary, after the nature of compromises, for each one of the four factions to resign something that each had cherished. When the representatives who had met the committee laid the proposed compromise before the several bodies they represented, there arose questions of what was understood and what was implied, which left the exact result of the compromise a matter of considerable doubt. One of the societies, not to commit itself blindly, presented a plain statement of the manner in which they interpreted the intended working of the settlement, and made their acceptance of the terms depend upon the condition that assurances should be given that the rest of the class would do nothing to prevent the result they expected from being reached. This mode of procedure was looked upon by the representatives of another faction as an attempt at dictation, and they refused to enter into any such understanding, or, as long as that condition was adhered to, to have anything to do with the proposed arrangement. Here the matter rests. All attempts to secure a Class Day have been finally abandoned, and a proposition is now under consideration, by which it is hoped the class organization alone may be effected. This proposal is to elect simply a class committee of three and a class secretary, giving one of the four officers to each of the four factions. We understand that a very large majority of the class are in favor of this arrangement, and the prospect, at the present moment, is that it will be adopted, that there will be no organization of the class for Class Day, and that none of the usual exercises will take place on that day.
