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IT will be remembered that it was only after some hesitation that the Faculty decided to give voluntary attendance upon recitations another year's trial with the present Senior class. It was hoped that the class would appreciate the fact that the system is as yet an experiment, and would do nothing to embarrass its final adoption. These anticipations, we are informed by the Dean, have not been realized. As far as can be judged by the returns up to the present time, the system has this year been used with much more license than it was last year or the year before, and there is now great danger that it will be suspended at the end of this year. The benefits arising from voluntary recitations have often enough been discussed; every one knows that, when used with the discretion which the average Senior is supposed to possess, the system has very great advantages; its abolition would be a retrograde step, and would be much lamented. It becomes Seniors, therefore, for the little time they are to stay here, to be more constant at recitations. They should remember that by their immoderate cutting they have brought into peril one of the greatest advances made in the College for many years, and if they continue to abuse the privilege as they have done, they will probably be the cause of posterity's being deprived of it. Seventy-Seven is the first class so peculiarly constituted as to be unable to have a Class Day. This is bad enough; it cannot afford to leave college with another stain upon its fair name.
