

THE supper of the Phi. B. K. will take place April 25.

POOR singing at the Chapel is rapidly approaching the perfection of an exact science.

LAST Saturday the Holworthy Six were on the river. This is the second crew that has been out this year.

THE Harvard base ball mask has found favor with the professionals, and will be used extensively during the coming season.

IF four gentlemen will be kind enough to subscribe without delay for library bulletins, ninety-six other persons will be accommodated.


THE "last car" is a thing of the past. Hereafter, cars will leave Harvard Square on the hour and Bowdoin Square on the half-hour, during the night.

THE habit of mislaying themes that has been developed by one of the professors is very unfortunate for those students who have to take the penalties of his neglect.

WE wish to remind the boat-clubs that Weld is the only crew that goes out regularly, and that an exciting race cannot be had unless all the crews are in pretty equal condition.

CANDIDATES for the Matthews crews: Brett, '77; Boutelle, Brown, Cushing, Harding, Kessler, Waters, '78; Aldrich, C. Brigham, Cowdin, Cox, Gilbert, Hewitt, Hubbard, Meyer, '79.

A PROFESSOR of Political Economy and Constitutional Law is to be appointed in the University of Nebraska, with a salary of $1,500. A graduate of Harvard is desired. For information apply at No. 5, University Hall.

MR. CHILD, in his lecture on Chaucer at the Lowell Institute last Wednesday evening, spoke of the author's "Troilus and Cressida" and of the "House of Fame." On next Saturday he will treat of the "Legend of Good Women."

THE Foot-Ball Team have elected Mr. L. Cushing, '79, captain; and have decided to allow the Nine to use the grounds back of the Lawrence Scientific School until four P. M. at which time the Nine is to withdraw, provided there are eighteen foot-ball men on the ground.

THURSDAY evening Professor Trowbridge delivered the fifth of the Natural History lectures at the Theatre on "Unseen Motion." The audience was the largest thus far, and the experiments were very interesting. We hope that the Natural History Society will give us another course next year.

THE Journal of Speculative Philosophy for January contains an article entitled "Does the Mind ever Sleep?" written by Mr. E. M. Chesley, '77.

THE following gentlemen have been elected by the Senior Class of the Law School to prepare Commencement parts: L. D. Brandeis, R. H. Dana, W. B. Gano. H. P. Starbuck, A. S. Thayer, W. H. Tuttle. The Faculty is to decide which one of the parts shall be delivered at Commencement.
