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IT is possibly ignorance of this imperishable glory awaiting the victors which, aided by a glut of beer-mugs, has made the interest in the clubs so small this year. This whole matter of the clubs presents a problem which puzzles the most astute boating men. The handiest reason for the rapid decline in interest is the much-worn "Harvard indifference." It seems probable that the high state of civilization which we have here attained is antagonistic to boating. As proof of this is brought forward the fact that the Weld Club, which, since Beck Hall was included in it, has represented the pinnacle of our social development, has made the most complete fizzle of all. To-morrow it is not to be represented in either race. For this we must not look down on Weld, much less on Beck; but rather we must envy their intensely enlightened and cultivated condition, which raises them above ignoble struggles in a club boat to the glorious realms of infinite "loaf." The other clubs are fast approaching this delicious state. Our races must be sacrificed, but let us comfort ourselves: the sacrifice is to the noble cause of civilization.

THE height of the foot-ball season approaches. Columbia has been challenged for Nov. 2, Princeton is to be played on Nov. 3, and Yale has been challenged for Nov. 10. The first two of these games will be played on the Hoboken grounds; the last one, here. This evening a complimentary supper is given to McGill at Young's. The supper has been one of the most enjoyable features of Harvard's pleasant meetings with McGill, and we doubt not that this evening's entertainment will be as agreeable as the others have been.
