

"HARVARD Seniors do not have to attend chapel." - Yale Record.

Would that such were the fact!

THE Dartmouth has a very clever editorial on the assumption of the cap and gown by the Freshmen of its College. "Ridentem dicere verum" is a weapon of which the Dartmouth editors understand the use.

TALKING of cap and gown, we can vouch for the incorrectness of part, at least, of the following statement from the Berkeleyan : "Harvard, Princeton, Williams, Rutgers, Columbia, Trinity, Alleghany, Michigan, and the Junior class at Yale have adopted the cap and gown." Not even "are going to adopt"! Moderation in all things, dear Berkeleyan, even in such wild flights of imagination as the above, is highly desirable!

THE next is prompted by maliciousness rather than a simple desire to tell some news : -


"Harper's Magazine supports the elegant 'Reporters and Loafers' notice. It is needless to say that George William Curtis is a Harvard man." - Yale Courant.

Strange how opinions differ! Now we should have thought it quite needless to say that Mr. Curtis is not a graduate of Harvard.

THERE is a popular fallacy that it is impossible to criticise a neighbor's work without asserting one's own superiority over him. We hold that a man can see clearly the mote in his brother's eye, even while he has the beam in his own eye; therefore we feel at liberty to cry out loudly against the utter weariness, staleness, flatness, and unprofitableness of the poetry in college papers. Such poems as the "Thunder Tempest" and "Music" in the Bates Student are fair samples of our average mediocrity, and the result is to make a piece such as the "River Concord," in the Amherst Student, shine like a sun by mere contrast; the poem alluded to, however, is really remarkably good, contrast apart.

"THE 'Varsity' is going into regular practice this week, in order that the men may be in good condition for next year's work. Our nine is made up of extra material, and needs only practice to place Amherst side by side with Yale and Harvard." - Amherst Student.

Whether this last statement is strictly correct is a question futurity alone can solve; but we have a question which we doubt not the editors of the Student can answer : What is "a nine made up of extra material"? A nine containing extra material might either be a nine of overfed men, or (strange and paradoxical though it may seem) it might be a nine with more than nine men in it; but a nine made up of extra material is indeed a wonderful thing. Apres tout, perhaps it only means that the material is extra good!
