

THE next Sanders Concert will take place on January 17.

THE President's report will be ready for distribution next week.

BEEFSTEAK for breakfast at Memorial Hall under the new regime.

THE Freshmen have voted to challenge Yale to row in an eight-oar.

THE report that Professor Ames intends removing to Texas is untrue.


AT present there are 370 members of the Memorial Hall Dining Association.

THE report that the Law School is to be moved to a location near the Lawrence Scientific School is untrue.

THE telegraph company have so far reduced their rates, that the tariff to Boston for ten words is but fifteen cents.

THE examination for conditions in Sophomore Astronomy has been postponed, and will probably take place on Monday afternoon next.

PROFESSOR WILLIAM EVERETT has been appointed lecturer in Classical Literature for the current year.

BOATING-MEN now make their trip to the Union on skates instead of in the old fashion.

THE postman recommends all who desire to have their mail delivered at their rooms, to have their doors so arranged that it is possible to slip a letter beneath them.

AN examination for making up conditions in Political Economy and Constitution of the United States will be held on Saturday, January 20, at 11 o'clock A. M., in U. E. R.

THE Everett Athenaeum have decided to change their present rooms for larger and more commodious ones in Whitney's Block. The change will be made in about three weeks.

THE work of the Library is being rapidly pushed on. The architect seems to have endeavored to make the addition as little in keeping with the rest of the building as possible.
