


EVER since the river closed the candidates for the crew have been steadily at work. Five afternoons in the week, from half after four until five o'clock, the crew works in two gangs; one gang rowing at the hydraulic machines in their recently refitted gymnasium in the boat-house, while the other runs between two and three miles.

The captain, Mr. Bancroft, seems to be making every exertion to fit his men for seats in the winning boat, and his efforts are earnestly seconded by the earnest work of the candidates. Mr. Dana is at present coaching the crew with good success.

The subscriptions this year have started out well, and, if promptly paid, will be a fitting response on the part of the students to the earnest efforts of the crew. The candidates at present are Messrs. Legate, Harriman, LeMoyne, '77, Loring, Littaner, '78, Crocker, Smith, Preston, Swartz, Brigham, Conlan, '79.
