

EACH year when a new class enters College, the higher classes look to it to furnish men, who are to take the place in boating of those who have just graduated. And those Freshmen who feel themselves able to make good oarsmen should take an interest in rowing, not for the sake of pleasure alone, but more than that, to keep up the boating prestige of the College which they have chosen for their Alma Mater. The present Freshman Class is by far the largest which has ever entered at Harvard, and from all appearances ought to contribute largely toward the University Crew, besides having a good crew of its own.

There is undoubtedly plenty of material in the class, but very few men, on entering College, realize the amount of work necessary to fit them to represent their own class during the summer, or even to take a good position in the Club crews. Too many wait till late in the winter or till the spring to begin work in earnest, and then, as it has been often proved, it is too late to obtain sufficient endurance for the ordeal of a long race.

Another thing that those trying for a crew should bear in mind is that they must sacrifice all pleasures inconsistent with training to the work they have undertaken. Anything which retards their physical improvement is not only harm done to themselves, but it is also an injury to the interests of the College, which depends upon their efforts for success. The sacrifices which they are obliged to make are never unrewarded. In recompense for self-denial in a few things, they obtain the respect of their fellow-students, and the honor of representing them.

We shall hope to see the boating men of '79 begin their gymnasium work early, and keep to it diligently; and if they do not bring us any flags from Saratoga next year, at least we shall be able to say of them, as of the last Freshman crew, it was through no fault of their own.

B. T.

