

No Headline

IN taking charge of the Magenta, and presenting this, the first number of a new volume, the Editors of '75 and '76 wish, first of all, to express their sincere regret that they must now be separated from the Editors, of '74, with whom the paper originated, and through whose care and ability it has taken a position so generally recognized in college journalism. Though separated from their predecessors in official position on the paper, the present Editors trust that they will never lack their interest and encouragement. Special care will be taken to preserve that freedom in discussion and temperance in tone which have hitherto been characteristic of the Magenta.

The Editors elect are as follows: W. L. CHASE, G. M. CUMMING, F. MACARTHUR, F. H. MORGAN, F. J. STIMSON. Business Editor, T. T. GAFF.
