

The Museum.

The Overland Route has been having a good run at this theatre for the last week or two. The comedy is one of Taylor's, and is, on that account, very attractive; but the "comic force" seems, to us at least, to lose its intensity and to flag in interest in some places. That a young wife, crossing the ocean alone, may make time pass pleasantly by flirting with one or two elderly gentlemen, or that some one gentleman may be tired of his wife, is not unlikely; but when all the passengers seem to have a touch of some kind of matrimonial infelicity or another, the play certainly borders upon the unreal. Nor is it made any more real by the ship's striking on a reef, all the passengers landing safely, all their little troubles being immediately straightened out, and the fair lady, with all her companions, rescued by her own husband's vessel, which conveniently heaves in sight just after the grand reconciliation. Still the play abounds in ludicrous and not unnatural situations, and the leading parts are rendered by Miss Clarke and Mr. Barron in that quiet, unostentatious manner which is the peculiar charm of the acting of both. Mr. Warren was, of course, immensely funny. The scenery was some of the best the Museum has ever produced.

The Globe.Last Saturday night Madame Janauschek appeared as Lady Macbeth, her greatest impersonation. With the exception of a few peculiarities of pronunciation, which soon escape notice as the play proceeds, her conception and delivery of the part was beyond all criticism, and the character was represented with a force and impressiveness rarely seen. The support was unusually weak for the Globe, but may be accounted for by Mr. Sheridan's illness and the consequent changing of parts. Poor as it was, it hardly needs an apology, for it served as a dark background upon which Madame Janauschek's superb acting stood out with a vivid contrast. The previous evenings of the week she appeared with striking effect in the two characters of Lady Dedlock and Hortense.

Boston Theatre.The return of Miss Maggie Mitchell, one of Boston's favorites, has been received with crowded and enthusiastic houses. The play last week was "Jane Eyre," a play which gives full scope to Miss Mitchell's superior abilities as an actress. Mr. Shewell, another old Boston favorite, furnished a fine support as Lord Rochester, while the rest of the cast was very creditable. Taken as a whole, it was one of the finest pieces of acting we have ever seen at this theatre, and forms a vivid but not unpleasing contrast to the ghastly and sanguinary drama which has so lately held the boards there. This week Miss Mitchell has appeared as Fanchon, a character in which she has often before won great reputation, and which is too well known to require comment. It is also needless to say that the principal characters have lost none of their former charm and attraction in the hands of Miss Mitchell and Mr. Shewell.

