

Three Divisions Formed With Authority Over Respective Fields.

The reorganization of the Yale Graduate School, which was recommended by a unanimous vote of the faculty, was approved at the last meeting of the Yale corporation. According to the new plan for reorganization, the faculty which consists of more than 80 members of the different schools in the University who are giving graduate non-professional instruction, is to be divided into three divisions as follows:

The Division of Language and Literature; the Division of Mathematics and the Physical and Natural Sciences; the Division of Social Sciences, History, Philosophy and Education.

These divisions, of which the president of the university and the dean of the school are to be ex-officio members, will have jurisdiction over matters relating to the courses of study given by their members and they are to recommend to the corporation, on the nomination of their several departments, all candidates for degrees, the conditions for the recommendation having first been determined by the divisions themselves.
