
H.A.A. Officials Meet on New Ticket Plan; Student Proposal May be Tried This Fall

Officials of the H.A.A. will meet today to study a plan to end football ticket lines. Assistant Atheltic Director Donald M. Felt '49 said last night, "We hope to have some sort of action by tomorrow" on the Undergraduate Athletic Council's proposed revision. The Council plan recommended distribution of tickets in random order within each class.

Felt, who will present the report to the Athletic Association, commented, "It's largely a matter of the possible mechanics of the thing. If the program can be tried out this year, we can shake out a few bugs."

New System in 1954

At any rate, H.A.A. officials have promised a new allocation system for next season, and a trial run with the Brown game tickets would aid in formulation of future procedures.

Among those in attendance at today's session will be Frank O. Lunden, H.A.A. ticket manager, who will execute whatever program is adopted. Having seen an outline of the Council plan, he stated, "It looks pretty good; after all, it's silly to make a boy stand in line."


Simultancously with today's meeting, the freshman class will battle for tickets to the Princeton game under current distribution rules. The sophomores yesterday purchased the remaining seats in section 36 and then filled up 37 through row O. Hence the freshmen, after finishing section 37, will receive track and colonnade seats.

Lunden called the Princeton sale "about what I expected," and added, "We'll fill in the student section very solid." He expects a crowd about equal to the estimated 34.800 at the Dartmouth game last Saturday. The ticket manager denied rumors that temporary stands would be erected behind the north end zone for the game a week from Saturday.

Davidson Seats Available

Discussing the ticket situation further, Lunden indicated that undergraduates could still pick up seats for the Davidson game, which will be played at the Stadium this weekend.

Lunden added that, as in the past, students could purchase a ticket for the Yale game at New Haven at half price. Each student is also entitled to an extra seat at the full price. His statement ended speculation at the College that the new free ticket system would abolish the usual discount for a contest at Yale.
