

T.m. Doyle

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Amazing Joseph

A LONG TIME AGO, when even the brightest among us were cruising in our Big Wheels, Tim Rice and Andrew

Agony and Ecstasy on the Mainstage

I N THE PAST few years, Harvard's Mainstage has acquired a reputation for seriously strange and bizarre theater: from Paul

An Epic Failure

E VERY SO OFTEN, an epically bad film reaches the screen (indeed, usually just one screen) which is guaranteed to

Absurd But True

A S THE DISCLAIMER at The Coca-Cola Kid's beginning so emphatically states, this is not really a film about Coke,

The Title Says It

Seeing Better Off Dead is like looking at your high school yearbook picture--it's disturbingly familiar. Perhaps it's the plot of

Cycle Charm

S TEVE TESICH IS a master of the "sleeper" film. Such past screenplays of his like Breaking Away and Four

Lukewarm Guilt

T HE WISE OFTEN remind us that when good things happen, we credit ourselves, but when bad things happen, we

'Creator' Botches Formula

O N PAPER, in some frenzied script development office, Creator could have been a good film--at least a bearable one.

No Sneezes

IN A GENTEE1L CORNER of upper-class England in the 1920's the symptoms of ordinary Spring Fever erupt into a full
