
What would Chatter be if we didn’t make fun of at least one prefrosh? It seems one unlucky Red Folder-toting

What would Chatter be if we didn’t make fun of at least one prefrosh? It seems one unlucky Red Folder-toting femme, intimidated by Widener’s stacks, lost her Annenberg breakfast right at the entrance to one east. “Did someone drop their papers?” wondered the confused Widener assistant, as bawling babe apologized and fled to six west...Yet another poor member of the class of ’11 booted, this time in a more appropriate location: the Pfoho bell tower. Unfortunately, this young ‘un wasn’t wearing a name tag (isn’t that a requirement?), so confused tower residents were left with more than just a sticky floor...Obviously, admitted students weekend is just a charade to hook up with your future classmates with no repercussions. One admitee, after securing the affections of a fellow prefrosh, boldly locked the door—and locked out his host. Nothing like getting sexiled by someone who doesn’t even go here yet...Models came out one after the other this weekend at Eleganza. One model took it one step further (too far?) when he actually came out—of the closet. His girlfriend was confused, to say the least.