Harvard Students: Nutrition Is...Dumb

Known over the world for their insight and intelligence, Harvard students got the chance to wow one another when HUDS

Known over the world for their insight and intelligence, Harvard students got the chance to wow one another when HUDS armed them with a blank white board, a vague prompt—“Nutrition is...”—and a dry erase marker. True to form, all sorts of originality exploded into print. In some cases, they exploded a little too much—the board in Cabot had to be removed due to vandalism. Knowing that die-hard Quadlings take nutrition to the extreme, FM set out to see what other houses had to say.

“Like water for chocolate”
“All Atkins, all the time!”
“Better than oldtrition”

“KONG” (crossed out)
“Not as lame in general as the food literacy project”
“36 radians”
“Science B-64: Feeding the World, Feeding Yourself”

“You want a toe? I can get you a toe”
“A word that has 2 t’s and 2 i’s and begins with nut”
“Hard work when chicken fingers are soooo good!”
“Calling ECHO at 3 am”
“Eating your feelings :)”

“Eating to live, not living to eat”
“A warm gun”
“Just smoke half”

“What also rhymes with tuition”
“Like good sex—you have to give up the tastier looking treat for something that will work harder for you and do your body good”
“Hemp and granola—at every meal”

“Well rounded meals...like doughnuts”
“Getting in the gym and working on your fitness”
“A modest proposal”
“An indirect indicator for differential provisioning in socially stratified societies”

“Free Love Good Food”
“All the fatty goodness...mmm”
“A ministry in the people’s republic”
“Nothing available for consumption in this dining hall”