party reporter

FRIDAY People are spending way too much time choosing classes and not enough time throwing parties because everything was too


People are spending way too much time choosing classes and not enough time throwing parties because everything was too crowded this weekend. In the Adams Art Space, the artsy crowd sipped wine out of Solo cups while checking out student-made paintings and documentaries. If you enjoy getting mysterious red liquid spilled on you from a plastic bat, the rugby party in Eliot was the place to be, where ballerinas cavorted with jocks to ’90s pop hits. It felt kind of like the party that FM was never invited to in high school. In Cabot, a strapping junior played host in a charming bathrobe, but he wasn’t able to ward off the swarms of over-eager freshman. At the same party, two extremely enthusiastic Beirut players proved how manly they were by repeatedly slapping each other in the face. Hard. Did we say manly? We meant messed up.


In Eliot Ground Zero, the Canadian Club’s “Mounties and Beavers” seemed far more popular than Canada itself ever was. By 10:30, they were turning people away and by 11, there was an estimated 30-minute waiting time. Those who arrived late got to enjoy the authentic Canadian experience of standing around in the cold. The Fox was surprisingly fun, considering the crowdedness. Two freshman girls who could not stand up repeatedly dug their stilettos into everyone’s ankles in the smoking room. The Advocate ran out of booze by midnight, due to the surprisingly lax admissions policy, but that didn’t stop the dancing. Our hipster pals over there inform us that ennui is so last year.