iLove the iPhone

Sitting in the airport, you’re in the midst of calling your blockmate when you get a text informing you that

Sitting in the airport, you’re in the midst of calling your blockmate when you get a text informing you that your flight has been delayed. Bored, you find yourself perusing Facebook for pics of that cute guy in section when you remember—shit! You forgot to submit your paper to your TF! No problem, before long it’s zooming through cyberspace onto her desktop as an email attachment. You breathe a sigh of relief.

Life used to be tough, you muse while gazing affectionately at your new best friend and faithful tagalong: the iPhone. A chic mobile, a widescreen mp3 player, a two-megapixel camera and an Internet browser all in one, the $500 iPhone is just slightly larger than a current-generation iPod. Even more than the BlackBerrys popping up throughout the Yard, it can satisfy any Harvard student’s technological needs. Finally, the hours you devote to e-mail,, Google, YouTube, phone convos, text messaging, drunken party photos, and the sonorous beat of “SexyBack” can be spent in the company of one sleek Apple device.

Kicking back, you struggle to remember what life was like without the iPhone, back in that dark time before 2007. Thankfully, the memories quickly fade as you drown them out with the melodic crooning of Justin Timberlake and the obnoxious tones of Aleksey Vayner.