
The lead singer of “Tommy and the Tigers” (and some other band), is taking his act to the small screen—on

The lead singer of “Tommy and the Tigers” (and some other band), is taking his act to the small screen—on American Idol! That’s right.

A certain sophomore of fame ran Primal Scream with “B@L” scrawled on his abdomen and “Agree” “Disagree” written on either thigh.

After a recent bash two Harvardians hit the Charles’ dinky “ice rink,” sliding penguin style in their penguin suits. Their frolics continued until drunken onlookers got into the action and the Charles’ security guard ushered them off the ice.

Two thespians (one neurotic, one modest) are applying for the reality TV show “The Amazing Race.” But will their egos even fit in those little packs?

Some Porcellian newbies kidnapped two older members so they could chat with them (the club’s venerable rules prohibit members from talking to initiates while in Cambridge). They drove them to Connecticut...whereupon the crafty members promptly stole the kids’ keys and drove away.

Harvard’s newest reality TV star is overwhelmed by the demands of fame—and broke up with his girlfriend.

Pandemonium broke out in Hilles when all HUID swipers were mysteriously deactivated last weekend. Quadlings couldn’t get in the building, reading room, up the elevator, or down again without a propped open door. Was “get thee to Allston already” the secret message?

After a Disney sing-a-long, rapscallions barged into the Kong circa 3:45 and demanded the evening’s leftovers.

Found: condom wrappers in Widener stacks and on the steps of Widener. It has been unseasonably warm.

Best g-chat away messages: “Jamaica Kincaid forgot it was Martin Luther King Day. Amazing.” and “my second time in this neighborhood without my numchucks. i am not happy.” Get an umbrella.