Pre-Frosh Attack--Each Other

Pre-frosh weekend is supposed to be a time to make friends. This year, thanks to the increasingly nerdy habits of

Pre-frosh weekend is supposed to be a time to make friends. This year, thanks to the increasingly nerdy habits of Harvard students, pre-frosh weekend may be a time to make amends.

On March 10 at 9:36 p.m., an e-world uproar started on a blog created by members of the Class of 2009 via the internet technology of In a post titled “how not to be a bitch on,” a member of the pre-frosh class who asked to be known as “D-Val” railed against Kate, another group member who asked that her full name not be used.

“Don’t act like your smarter than everyone else while using ubsurd malapropisms, remember that everyone here got excepted to Harvard, so no need to be supercillious about it,” wrote D-Val, who later posted spelling corrections.

D-Val became upset when Kate wrote “no Harvard kids” under the “people I’d like to meet” section of her profile.

Kate defends herself, explaining that she has not yet decided to attend Harvard, and that even if she does choose the school, she is not a fan of online fraternizing.

Meanwhile, other forum topics include “before the hell begins” (“Is it true that doing dorm crew makes you a loser? I heard that somewhere”), “Intellectual Debate” (“First of all, the plural of jedi is jedi”), and “must-have’s for dorm rooms” (“i’m going to princeton”).

But with 36 replies as of two weeks ago—the thread has since been taken offline—the electronic war of words on “how not to be an asshole” was one of the more popular discussions.

Eighteen prefrosh got in on the clash, not all of them Crimson-bound.

Perhaps one of the most pointed posts came from a Bentley College-bound young man: “I’m not gonna lie, you guys are all a bunch of nerds. Straight up a bunch of nerds.”

Well, depends on your definition of “jedi”...