On the Red Phone With... Faith Sadar ’08

When she wakes up every morning, Faith Sadar ’08 has a lot of things to think about, but which pin

When she wakes up every morning, Faith Sadar ’08 has a lot of things to think about, but which pin to wear isn’t one of them. She’s been sporting versions of the same handmade button every day since her junior year of high school, when she learned that she would someday be eligible to become president.

“Have Faith in 2024,” the pin reads.

David M. Kaden ’06, president of the IOP, says that “if determination is nine-tenths of success, it looks like she’s well on her way.” Unfortunately for Sadar, however, the other tenth happens to be the voting public of the United States of America.

Nevertheless, Sadar remained confident and upbeat on the red phone last week.

FM: So, when did you first realize that you wanted to be President?

Faith Sadar: I started running in November of my junior year. That’s when I started wearing the pin.

FM: Is this the same pin that you’re wearing today?

FS: Not the same exact one. It gets tattered up. I need to replace it soon.

FM: Did you calculate 2024 to be the first year that you’d be eligible to run?

FS: Actually, I didn’t. I just knew it was divisible by four.

FM: Hm. Six times four is...okay. You’re right, it is. So have you developed a campaign strategy for victory?

FS: I probably want to go to law school and start a family. It depends where I end up living—I’ll set up a local office, then the House and Senate, or a governorship.

FM: Do you have a favorite amendment?

FS: I’m a pretty big fan of First Amendment rights.

FM: So...the Secret Service.

FS: What about it?

FM: I don’t know. It’s just really cool.

FS: It would be strange having people follow you all the time.

FM: How do you feel about France?

FS: You can’t ignore France, but I don’t think foreign policy has to be based on what France wants. Foreign policy has to be based on what’s best for your country.

FM: Speaking of supporting our country, what’s your favorite branch of the military?

FS: I don’t think I have a favorite. They’re all pretty awesome in their own way.

FM: Word. I hear that as President you get to hire a chef. What will your signature White House meal be?

FS: I like roast beef.

FM: Are your roommates supportive of the campaign?

FS: Yeah, they’re supportive. None of them has actively tried to sabotage it.

FM: John Kerry totally lost. Don’t do that.

FS: I’ll try not to. One of the big points of my campaign strategy will be trying not to lose.