Gadfly: The Week in Buzz

LONELY STAR The “Lone Star Times” – motto: “A blog as big as Texas” – has got its cowboy britches


The “Lone Star Times” – motto: “A blog as big as Texas” – has got its cowboy britches all in a knot, hootin’ and hollerin’ over the Crimson editorial condemning Michael E. Kopko ’07’s proposed Dormaid service. “This is nothing short of Marxist horse dung,” drawl the bloggers, arguing that our fair paper “attacks entrepreneurship” (hey…isn’t that a French word you just used?!).

Silly Southerners. If they’d paid more attention to Marx and those other “bookish types,” they’d know that blogs don’t have a physical presence in the traditional spatial or temporal sense. In fact, you could say they’re like, infinite, making them even bigger than Texas. (P.S. Seriously folks, we love the South. Just yankin’ the ol’ chain.)



People you have permission to punch, with apologies to The New York Observer.

—Anyone walking out of J. Press

—That guy in core section who keeps applying Heidegger to everything

—Roommate who insists on playing “Numa Numa” song 24-7

—People wearing one polo shirt on top of another polo shirt



—Sighted on Fox last Sunday night: Darius Rucker and a bevy of models on a boxcar hawking Burger King with a hamburger-themed rendition of hobo anthem “Big Rock Candy Mountain.” Hmm, let’s see: Fast-food chains exploiting Depression-era poverty for commercial purposes while Bush tries to roll back Social Security. Coincidence?

—Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous opens in theaters March 24. Glad to see the women’s lib movement is alive and well.

—In a stunning reversal, Harvard Business School is now rejecting applicants for trying to get ahead through unethical behavior.