
House: Cabot Concentration: Biochemistry Hometown: San Francisco, CA Ideal Date: Karaoke followed by Molten Chocolate at Finale. Best way for

House: Cabot

Concentration: Biochemistry

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Ideal Date: Karaoke followed by Molten Chocolate at Finale.

Best way for a guy or girl to get your attention: Smile, say hi, and strike up a conversation.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: In with books, out with friends, or relaxing with a special someone. Most likely the last one.

First thing you notice about a boy: First the face, closely followed by whether he’s a nice guy or a badass. I’m a nice guy, so hopefully he is too.

Your best pick-up line: I’ve never used a pick-up line. I just talk, for better or for worse.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: To high school girlfriend- “I really want to kiss you right now.”

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: Not to anyone specific...“That’s a funny story involving alcohol. Do you have any stories that don’t involve alcohol?”

Favorite childhood toy: N64. But “childhood” is misleading. I actually play more now.

Fave part about Harvard: Being in the Din & Tonics.

Describe yourself in three words: Keep it simple.

In 15 minutes you are: Falling asleep over reading.

In 15 years you are: Still in med school.