Must Have! Beer Pong Kit

Ping-pong balls are a hot commodity on campus. No, not because of a recent resurgence of America’s favorite old-school game,

Ping-pong balls are a hot commodity on campus. No, not because of a recent resurgence of America’s favorite old-school game, table tennis, but because of a phenomenon known as Beirut. Nick Moulton, a Boston University student from New Hampshire, has taken this high demand for Beirut supplies into his own hands with the all-new “Beirut Kit.” The kit contains all of your beer pong essentials—sans beer—wrapped up in one convenient package, including a “regulation” table (six feet long), 22 wide-mouth reusable cups (two wash cups), and ten balls—all for $60 to $70.

Moulton will be targeting Boston area students and has looked into hooking up with the social life resource,, as a promotional tool for his soon-to-be start-up. This college senior has played his fair share of the famed drinking game in his three years at college and even chose his current apartment based on the fact that it had the perfect space for a Beirut table. His glorified hallway has seen many a beer pong game, including those that are not beer exclusive. “I don’t care what they’re drinking. It’s the actual act of playing that matters,” Moulton says. All the practice has certainly paid off, since this Beirut champ boasts a winning streak of seventeen straight games, though the success of his business venture remains to be seen. In the meantime, here are the pro’s top tips:

1. Aim for a specific cup.

2. Start with the front cup, as most people tend to overshoot.

3. Arc your throw.

4. Use a soft touch!

For more information on ordering,
