Dormroom Dialogue with a Vengeance







Decorating philosophy: I think she decorates to make other people think she’s a cool person. She has lots of pictures with her friends up so people will think she’s social. She has things from her friends on the wall to show that they like her. She has pictures of classy women she wants to be like—Marilyn Monroe. And she has the alcohol to show that she can let loose.

Hometown: I’d have to say New York City because she seems like an Eastern, artsy person.

Concentration: I think hist and lit or English because she has the Norton books. Or maybe just plain literature because her room seems artsy, as does her wardrobe.

Taken or on the prowl? I think that she might have a boyfriend because she probably always needs one. But it never lasts long because guys can only put up with it for so long. But if she did I don’t think she’d have time to make up her bed so well.

Typical Saturday night: I’d say she probably hangs out with her Theta friends, goes to final clubs and drinks—emphasis on the final clubs.

Undies? A thong. Yeah.

What’s in her CD player? Dave Matthews. She seems like she could go to concerts and Dave is a concert person.

Summer plans: Not working. Traveling, Europe maybe. She doesn’t seem like a person who would work.

How does she eat her pizza? I don’t think she eats pizza. I think she’s too health-conscious for that.

Morning primp time: Judging from the sheer number of beauty products, I’d say she takes at least an hour in the morning. Why two types of moisturizer? And so many brushes?

Greenhouse or Loker? Neither—the Kong instead, she gets a scorpion bowl. She seems like the type of person who goes to Harvard, but stays away because of class. Like final clubs instead of room parties. Instead of the Greenhouse or Loker, she eats out.

Britney and Justin—true love or fake? I think she wants to be like Britney, so she hopes it’s not real because she secretly wants someone like Justin. Or not even secretly. She probably wants someone famous or just popular and rich to show her off.

Britney’s rack—real or fake? She thinks they are fake because she’d be jealous if they were real.


Decorating Philosophy: Neat, comfortable and cute…kinda eclectic.

Hometown: Belmont, Mass.

Concentration: Sociology

Taken, or on the prowl? On the prowl. Those roses over my desk are outdated, they’re from the fall.

Typical Saturday night: This is so embarrassing—going to final clubs. I’m really pathetic, but I always end up at one of them. I try to branch out, but I can’t.

Undies? Colorful. I like to mix it up.

What’s in your CD player? The Immaculate Collection. Madonna is my idol. I read her biography that my roommate gave me for Christmas. I can tell you anything you want about Madonna Louise Ciccone.

Summer plans: I’m interning, hopefully in public relations in NYC and living in the NYU dorms.

How do you eat your pizza? I don’t really eat pizza, but when I do, I remove the grease with a paper towel and then pick off the cheese.

Morning primp time: I get up one hour before class, take 15 minutes to get out of bed, shower and then half blow-dry my hair.

Greenhouse or Loker? Loker, it’s where the cool cats hang.

Britney and Justin—true love or fake? Justin’s probably gay, it’s all for publicity. His voice is higher than mine and he wears glitter on stage. She did admit to having sex with him on Oprah, though.

Britney’s rack—real or fake? She definitely had implants, but they were taken out. Although everything still seems to be pretty light and bouncy.


Decorating philosophy: Intellectually untidy.

Hometown: He’s definitely not from New York or Boston. Maybe Michigan?

Concentration: Government. All of his books are on stuff like Plato.

Taken, or on the prowl? On the prowl—no girl would ever want to sleep in that bed.

Typical Saturday night: Well, there are no signs of alcohol, which leads me to believe that on Saturday nights he’ll be either reading his Star Wars book, watching movies or going to a concert.

Undies? Definitely not tighty-whities. I’d have to go with the boxer brief, not the full boxer; he needs a little bit more control.

What’s in his CD player? Jimi Hendrix or the Rat Pack.

Summer plans: Definitely anxiously awaiting the new Star Wars movie. Maybe going home and using those tennis balls—low-key plans.

How does he eat his pizza? As fast as possible.

Morning primp time: Five minutes. Roll out of bed, smell the clothes on the floor and grab some breakfast.

Greenhouse or Loker? Greenhouse. He definitely likes the Chik-Fil-A.

Britney and Justin—true love or fake me out? Britney’s hot. But who’s Justin?

Britney’s rack—real or fake me out? Who cares? They’re boobs.


Decorating philosophy: I think my room shows my informality, or letting go, if you will. I like to put figures I like to emulate on my wall, like Jimi Hendrix and Cary Grant. Oh, and Sean Connery and Shaft, you’ve gotta have them.

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Concentration: Government

Taken, or on the prowl? Single. Definitely single.

Typical Saturday night: Typically dinner with friends and then room parties.

Undies? Boxers.

What’s in your CD player? I’m listening to Nelly’s Batter Up right now. But that’s weird because I don’t like Nelly that much.

Summer plans: I’ll probably work at a law firm.

How do you eat your pizza? I fold it in half—lengthwise. For toppings I like either mushroom and hamburger or ham and pineapple. It’s actually pretty good; it’s called Hawaiian.

Morning primp time: Shower and brush teeth. Then, gosh, I don’t really want to put that in [FM]. Whatever. Baby powder. And then I just get dressed.

Greenhouse or Loker? Greenhouse in the morning and early afternoon. Loker in the afternoon and evening. Loker has the best burger in Cambridge.

Britney and Justin— true love or fake me out? Well, it’s over now. Let’s just say they didn’t discuss all the intimate details of their relationship and the activities that implied.