Fifteen Minutes: Groovy Train: Media Bulletin

Putting out a campus publication requires a certain amount of blustery egotism . It's no surprise that overlaps in readership

Putting out a campus publication requires a certain amount of blustery egotism. It's no surprise that overlaps in readership and similar beats foster a certain amount of healthy competition between mags, papers, or otherwise. Previous models of the groovy train stood at the forefront of such rivalries. Flashback to last year:

Publication X is a starched-shirt gov jock's wet dream.

Oops. What we meant to say was nocturnal emission. In all seriousness, scathing reviews and other such captious eruptions are a thing of the past. A number of personnel intersections leaves us hard up to talk down. As a result, groovy train is proud to offer a wide selection of Harvard-produced publications for your reading pleasure. In their own words:

Harvard Advocate

The Advocate is Harvard's premier undergraduate journal of fiction, poetry, art and criticism. Since 1866 we've been printing the work of some of the best writers and artists from Harvard College. It has found its way into the hearts and minds or - failing that - onto the coffee tables and bathroom floors of readers ever since.

Demon Magazine

Demon is a Harvard student organization that publishes a quarterly paper-based and (ideally) monthly online humor magazine.

Harvard Independent

The Independent is the most popular student publication for investigative journalism, sports analysis, arts coverage, and current opinion. The Independent interviews Harvard's newsmakers and goes behind the scenes to provide insightful analysis, not just the facts.

Harvard Salient

The Harvard Salient is a bi-weekly journal of political thought. Naturally conservative but free from political allegiances, the Salient was founded in 1981 by students who sought to provide a journalistic alternative to a predominantly liberal campus press.

Harvard Current

Existing publications claim that they target a national audience of university students, covering pop culture and other "hip" topics. The Current knows that many of us thirst for substantive, exciting coverage of the issues that we care about delivered in a sexy, humorous manner.

Harvard Icon

Icon is a creative endeavor that uses the possibilities afforded by today's technology to bring something new to the art of storytelling. Part magazine, part gallery, part forum, Icon is a participatory space where the power of stories is given a new freedom and saddled with a new responsibility.