Fifteen Minutes: From Our Bulging Mailbags

Dear FM, I am not a particularly social being. Some might call me a shut-in. Usually, whenever I need to

Dear FM,

I am not a particularly social being. Some might call me a shut-in. Usually, whenever I need to get away from things, I can go to the top floor of Charlie's Kitchen for some peace, quiet and massive amounts of Harpoon IPA. Now, thanks to your exposé of my favorite hangout in last week's "15 nooks," Charlie's is filled with Cambridge townies and Harvard students. Thanks so much for ruining my life.

-Jeff L. Townsend '00

Dear FM,

I would like to confer an honorary Visual and Environmental Studies degree to Kenyon S. Weaver for his article "But is it Art?". His treatment of VES theses at Harvard sandwiched, just so, between two photographs of balloons shows a sophistication beyond Mr. Weaver's years. Is it Art? Yes.

-VES Head Tutor Nancy Mitchnik

Dear FM,

As a shy single man, I find it exceedingly hard to approach women. As such, I find your "Scoped" feature to be both entertaining and useful. For example, after reading the favorite pickup line of last week's Scopee, "Bow before my purple-helmeted soldier of love...please?", I went out immediately for some field-testing. It was MONEY.

-Ben S. Fossey '01

Dear FM,

As a budding connoisseur with money to burn, I turn to digestif every week for dining suggestions. In general I have been very pleased with the restaurants and dishes recommended. However, the photograph accompanying last week's review of Stephanie's of Newbury put me off my lunch. An up-close-and-personal, black-and-white snapshot of a partially prepared chicken doesn't exactly get my lips smacking. "Toss my salade," indeed.

-Brittany F. Lorne '02

Dear FM,

Please believe me when I say that I've really enjoyed our time together over the past two months. However, it became clear to me last weekend that we're just not a good fit. Moreover, you are just not good-looking enough for me to be constantly putting up with your shit.

-Heather B. Sullivan '01