As Follows

FM¹s newest section, ³As Follows:,² publishes primary source documents. Where necessary, FM has made minor editorial changes. On Feb. 11,

FM¹s newest section, ³As Follows:,² publishes primary source documents. Where necessary, FM has made minor editorial changes.

On Feb. 11, an e-mail message was sent to a select group of Harvard socialites. The message read as follows:

Thu, 11 Feb 1999 17:01:07 -0500

From: Minister of Chaos

To: [...]

Subject: The Master Plan

Dear All,

after the painfully arduous waiting of the past three days, the weekend is finally here!!! So it's time to cast aside those course catalogues and to get ready for four whole days of pure unadulterated fun. We have a looooong weekend and excuses and notes from UHS primary care physicians will absolutely not be tolerated!!! We have birthdays galore to celebrate, some real, some imaginary, but all will be celebrated with equal amounts of zeal, good cheer and, more importantly, booze!!! So here is a detailed outline of the places to see and be seen over the coming days. This list has been compiled after hours of discussion and hard labor, therefore I urge you to use and abuse it rather quite severely.

Here we go:

Thursday night

‹Shay's @ 10:30pm

‹Grafton after Shay's (time to be dictated by Mr. C.'s drunkenness)

‹Phoenix/Spee late night

‹Those fortunate enough to get tickets to the Woman of Year party tonight are more than welcome to join us afterwards, we shouldn't be too hard to find.

Friday night

‹Jillian's Pool Hall (meet at the Phoenix at 7pm and then we'll head to Landsdowne Street from there), so we'll probably get there just before 8pm.

‹West Street Grille (15, West Street, Boston take T to Park St., walk down Tremont Street and West Street is the 3rd street on the eft). We will be there between 10:30 and 11pm.

Saturday night

‹The "Tour de Cambridge" this is Katie G.'s birthday and sadly she will be out of town so we will have to drink her share too. Scott F. has kindly agreed to stand in for Katie for the evening to receive all gifts and drinks that otherwise would've been directed at Katie, so thank you Scott!

We will be starting at Temple Bar's infamous "NC" corner, which is just as you come in on the right. Mr. S. and I will be heading to Temple around noon in order to assure that we get this corner with the comfy chairs before any others, so join us when you can!!

Otherwise, plan to be at Temple around 10:30pm. From there we will head down towards the square for the usual Grafton, Grille, Spee, Phoenix run.

Sunday night

‹Val J.'s birthday!!!!! Casablanca from 11pm until close.

Monday night

‹Allilison R.'s birthday!!!! Alli will be back from NYC in the afternoon so I think the plan right now is to meet somewhere (T.B.A.) for dinner and then to head to Temple Bar at around 10pm for a lot more drinks and general good cheer.

So there we are. Yes, before you say it... I am a senior with no thesis, no job, no extracurriculars and absolutely no hobbies and yes, I also have a lot of free time on my hands to sit here doing this. But, that's what senior spring is all about and if I'm going down then I'm sure as hell going to drag you lot with me!!!!! So, take a nap, grab some dinner, do whatever you need to do in order to muster the courage and the energy necessary to face this looooong weekend and I look forward to seeing you for the best part of the next four or five days.

A huge thank you to Mr. S., Mr. T., Miss C. and Miss S., without whom this Master Plan would not have been possible.

Organizingly yours,
